Why I Love Fashion + It’s Okay If You Don’t

I’ve been contemplating on the perceived superficiality of the fashion world. I get it, I really do–the glitz and glamor are what attracted me to it in the first place. Designer dresses and jewels were the epitome of a princess and what I wanted when I grew up. However, life never turns out the way we imagine it to be.

I come from a long line of women who are proud of how they presented themselves to the world. Whether they were poor, depressed, or fighting to stay alive they were always dressed to the nines. It’s not about the clothes (that changes and will fade away), it’s about strength, perseverance, and confidence to feel good and look good even when the odds are stacked against you. Fashion isn’t about wealth, it’s about creativity–it’s about beauty–it’s about feeding your mind. The debate, “Is Fashion Art?” often gets tossed around, especially when a designer gets a little too flamboyant with their designs. In my mind, I’d say yes! Just like art, fashion has principles of design; color, texture, composition, yet fashion is never contained by these elements alone. There are experiences and emotions that not only evokes a reaction out of the viewer but also makes the wearer feel something as well.

If it weren’t for fashion and clothing and everything that came with it, I would understand the world a little less clear. I use fashion as a vehicle in comprehending all avenues of life. In business, I use it to understand microeconomics and the role of supply and demand (right now there is a high demand for dad sneakers lol). It doesn’t occur to people but clothing has a vast history that covers all countries and time periods. If it weren’t for fashion history classes would have been a snooze fest, but fashion kept me invested.  I use fashion in math (measurements), in science (with textiles), in politics (tariffs and ethical sourcing), language (visiting communities that mainly speak Spanish and Korean), and in the pressures of mental health.

I love fashion and it’s okay if you don’t because I know that everybody’s experience is different. We are all so complex and our upbringing is so varied that even if you did love fashion I know it would be contrasting with my own story in fashion. My hope is that there is something you love that helps you understand the fast, changing world we live in and I hope I get to hear why you love it!

Grace + peace,


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