A Californian in Seattle | analyn g.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Whoop-Whoop! It’s the New Year!  As I’ve reflected back on 2016, I couldn’t help being disappointed in the things I didn’t do instead of being proud of the things I did do. The wise Mark Twain was right when he said, “You’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did!” How do we combat this? Simply, “Throw off the bowline,” meaning that we should go out of our comfort zones and explore the unknown. Okay, so where am I getting at in a blog about fashion? Basically, what I am trying to say is that fashion is not about following the rules, it’s about taking risks and having fun. When you look back twenty years from now you should unequivocally know that you had fun with the fashions of the time and were 100% yourself. 

That brings me to Analyn. I had the privilege to talk to her last Sunday, and wow! Hailing from Southern California, her style is a cool mesh of various thrift store finds and the 90’s. Pairing high-rise jeans with a sherbet corduroy jacket and a deep purple lip, her style is one that not everyone can pull off. Everything about her style looks unique and comfortable to her.  That’s what we should all aim for, right? Be comfortable with your uniqueness. 

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Photos by Emma Taylor

Color that you gravitate toward?

~Definitely depends how I’m feeling that day, but because I wear a lot of denim, I just own a lot of blue.

Top three hobbies?

~Embroidering, baking, and napping.

Netflix guilty pleasures?

~My favorite kids show on Netflix is Sophia the First, because I feel like there is a lot of subtle feminist undertones. I can binge watch The Office like nobody’s business.

Spotify playlist repeats?

~My current Spotify playlist is called “!!! Rad”.  But I’ve been listening to a lot of Oh Wonder.


T: Alrighty, so I know you’re really into music. Do you think music has influenced your style or vice versa?

A: Both my music taste and my style have become more adventurous as I’ve grown up.

T: Would you say that you have a personal style? How would you describe it?

A: So my style has evolved a lot in the past year to two years especially now coming to college and living in a different climate. I had to change it up because I’m from SoCal so I can’t necessarily wear all the same things there that I wear here. For sure, I would describe my style as like thrift store/homeless chic because that just my personal brand.

T: Where’s the coolest or weirdest place you’ve ever worn the outfit you’re currently wearing?

A: Well these shoes I’ve worn in Taiwan, while I was there for a mission’s trip.


T: What’s your go-to thrift store?

A: In Seattle, I’ve been going to Buffalo Exchange a lot, just because it’s the one in U-District and is convenient to get to and I drink a lot of Bobba. But at home I would say Goodwill and Salvation Army are more common.


T: Style icons?

A:  My mom’s style when she was in the 90’s. Looking through old scrapbooks, I noticed she wore a lot of the same things that I gravitate towards now, denim, fun colors, and overalls.

T: Okay, cool! So it sounds like your mom’s style has really impacted your style. Why do you think that is? What about your mom do you want to emulate?

A: Well, my mom and I are basically the same person and we’re close. I guess she’s kinda role model for me, she’s the most headstrong person I know. She knows who she is and doesn’t let anything around her effect that. I aspire to have that confidence and to be that set in who I am.

T: She sounds like a cool lady.

A: She’s someone I look up to, in many aspects of life, including who she is as a person. 


Fill in the blank

~When I get dressed, I have to wear either random lipstick or a choker.

~If I could buy any article of clothing without worrying about the price, I’’d get a really well-fitting pair of Levi’s.

~If I were at a music concert rn, I’d be wearing my black corduroy pants with a t-shirt, flannel, my denim jacket over it because got to have a couple of layers but also be able to take off and tie around your waist.


I had a blast interviewing Analyn, hearing about her style and the confidence behind it. Anyway, that’s it folks! Thanks for reading!


Tabi V.




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